New MDispo Feature Release Version 2.9

The new MDispo feature release version 2.9 of MDispo was released at the end of July and comes with a brand new function module: the graphical area planning for waste management companies and municipalities.
Based on maps and supported by automatic allocation mechanisms, collection areas can now be planned effortlessly in MDispo.
Based on the requirements of our customers, container management has also been expanded to include functions that perfectly complement existing container management options. MONA LOGA customers now have an overview of their bins and their locations, any time, anywhere. Processes for a container are visible at the touch of a button. New import functionalities enable the smooth importing of container inventories from legacy systems.
A new version of our mobile driver app MMobil, version 1.42.3, went live at almost the same time as the MDispo release v2.9.
More information on MDispo, MMobil and their functions can be found at: MONA LOGA system and functions