OZG to go - utilising established solutions for public administration

There's a better way! Services in accordance with the Online Access Act (OZG) out of the box! The comprehensive digitalisation of public administration was initially planned for the end of 2022. More recent plans saw a more manageable number of digital administrative processes implemented at this time - priority lists were drawn up. What was planned as a relief represents an enormous planning and development effort that could hardly be covered.
The basic idea - no more paper applications, no more Excel lists or crude individual solutions. All benefits should be applied for, digitally tracked and certified with nationwide access from your own computer or mobile device.
However, there are often already established solutions for this that meet the requirements and can already be networked via the Portalbund of local, federal and state authorities.
One such solution is the MONA LOGA bulky waste system solution. Several local authorities have already been using it for some time and can already devote themselves fully to their actual work - without any postcard orders, specifications and lengthy coordination and development processes - always up-to-date and including support.